Can you work with the handprints I already have?
Yes, we can often work with prints you already have. When you place your order, select the option 'I will supply you with prints I already have', which can be done for any piece of print jewellery. You can then submit your prints quickly and easily using our magic uploader. If you would like us to check the prints first, please email a scanned copy or clear photo of the prints to us at, and one of our dedicated designers will confirm the suitability and recommend which pieces we feel would work best for your print.

Does the print have to have been taken with your Magic Print Kit?
No, we can work with nearly any handprint that has been taken with ink. Occasionally we work with prints taken with paint but we only advise this if taking a new print is impossible as the result varies. We're always happy to check any prints you already have and advise accordingly.

Can I use prints from a previous order I've placed with you?
We guarantee to keep a copy of your prints on file for two years making re-ordering any Jewellery with the same prints an easy process. When ordering, select "You already have my prints from a previous order" and fill in the information requested.
Please note that if the original order was not in your name, we will need written permission from the person who placed the original order to re-use the prints.

Will any subsequent orders perfectly match my original order?
Every creation we craft is distinct and may not mirror past pieces. This variability is largely due to the timeframe of the initial charm acquisition, given our evolving practices over time. Although the imprint remains consistent, please understand that we cannot assure an exact match between charms bought at different times.