In Memory of Augie

Memorial Handprint Jewellery: In Memory of Augie

Recently, a Facebook post from a very brave lady touched many hearts in our Facebook community. Robyn sadly faced something that no-one should ever go through when her beautiful little boy, Augie, was stillborn born on the 5th May.

After his precious hand and footprints were taken at birth, Robyn provided us with a photograph of the prints meaning that she didn’t have to part with the prints at all. Robyn chose to have Augie’s handprint handcrafted on a Sterling Silver Heart Ring and his Hand and Footprint were cast into a beautiful Moon & Star Necklace.

“It’s been two weeks since my son was born still. The moment I received my hand on heart jewellery I felt instantly close to Augie and felt like he was there with me. I know this may sound silly, but I honestly felt like his little hands and feet were back cuddling me. Thank you so much for my beautiful jewellery - it means so much to me to have my little boy with me wherever I go”

Following on from Robyn's heartbreaking post, we had a flood of people who didn’t know that Hand on Heart Jewellery could be made from prints taken at birth under such terrible circumstances. 

“I am really overwhelmed with the positive response from the post and I have too had lots of people message me who have also lost a baby. My jewellery has really helped with the grieving process as I feel so close to my son”

We're so grateful to Robyn for sharing her story with us. While many of the designs we make are under very happy circumstances, we very often work with memorial handprints, footprints and fingerprints to create Jewellery for bereaved families. We can only imagine how precious these pieces must be to the families and we consider ourselves very privileged to be able to make such designs. Our wonderful Customer Care Team are specialists in dealing with such Jewellery orders in a very sensitive and compassionate way and are here to advise should anyone need any help.

For help and support following a baby loss, Robyn has recommended the charity, Oscar's Wish Foundation, as an excellent support for bereaved families. You can view their website at www.oscarswishfoundation.co.uk

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